Do you need help? Please find below the index of Help & Tutorials pages.How to create an account and define your own parameters ?Clic here to create an acount in Faune-France: than you will be able to share your sightings with others and to explore what species live around you or elsewhere. Clic here to parameter Faune-France according to what you need. Do you want to learn more about the best way to record your sightings? Please clic here. Recording your sightings in Faune-FranceClic here to record your sightings in a list. Fill a form with all the species you have identified in the same place in a more thant 4 minutes session. Clic here to record casual sightings (not a list of species). You just want to record some sightings and not all what you have seen.
Record your sightings with NaturaList (mobile app)With NaturaList you can record your sightings directly in the field.Clic here to learn how to record a complete list in live directly in the field with precise location of each sighting. A complete list is a list with all the species you have seen in a particuliar place in more than a 4 minutes session. It can be in a spot or along a transect (in that case please clic "Record your track"). RECOMMANDED BY FAUNE-FRANCE. Clic here to learn how to record casual records in NaturaList. Not time to record your sightings with NaturaList directly in the field ? No stress! You can record them later.Clic here to learn how to record yours sightings in a list later (or live in an aggregated list). Recording your sightings in this way means that you watched wildlife in the same spot during a more than 4 minutes. Clic here to record casual sightings later in NaturaList in case you have changed of spot or only want to record few species. Written by Valentin Guirous, 01/03/2018 updated by PhJo, 03/08/2020 |